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Last Update 2018/05/30
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 Movable Typeの設定について質問です
????????? 2006/09/20 09:56
????????? ことばたらず

今Movable Typeの設定をしているのですがわからないことがあるので質問させてください。

##     Movable Type configuration file          ##
##                              ##
## This file defines system-wide settings for Movable Type  ##
## In total, there are over a hundred options, but only those ##
## critical for everyone are listed below.          ##
##                              ##
## Information on all others can be found at:         ##
## http://www.sixapart.jp/movabletype/manual/config

##################### REQUIRED SETTINGS ########################

# The CGIPath is the URL to your Movable Type directory
CGIPath  http://............/cgi/mt/

# The StaticWebPath is the URL to your mt-static directory
# Note: Check the installation documentation to find out
# whether this is required for your environment. If it is not,
# simply remove it or comment out the line by prepending a "#".
#StaticWebPath  http://........../mt-static

#================ DATABASE SETTINGS ==================
#  REMOVE all sections below that refer to databases
#  other than the one you will be using.

##### SQLITE #####
ObjectDriver DBI::sqlitedb
Database sqlitedb
PublishCharset Shift_JIS

DBUmask 0022
HTMLmask 0022
UploadUmask 0022
DirUmask 0022


■ コンテンツ関連情報

 Re: Movable Typeの設定について質問です ( No.1 )
????????? 2006/09/20 13:36
????????? ロックス

>##### SQLITE #####
>ObjectDriver DBI::sqlitedb
>Database sqlitedb
>PublishCharset Shift_JIS

>DBUmask 0022
>HTMLmask 0022
>UploadUmask 0022
>DirUmask 0022


■ その他


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