はじめての自宅サーバ構築 - Fedora/CentOS -
Last Update 2018/05/30
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トップ >> ちょっと便利なTIPS集 >> DNSサーバ(Bind) >> bind-chrootをインストールしたのに機能していない場合は?

■ TIPS集『DNSサーバ(Bind)』


  『chrootを適用した状態のbind関連情報 』

# vi /etc/sysconfig/named
# BIND named process options
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Currently, you can use the following options:
# ROOTDIR="/some/where" -- will run named in a chroot environment.
#              you must set up the chroot environment
#              (install the bind-chroot package) before
#              doing this.
# OPTIONS="whatever"   -- These additional options will be passed to named
#              at startup. Don't add -t here, use ROOTDIR instead.
# ENABLE_ZONE_WRITE=yes -- If SELinux is disabled, then allow named to write
#              its zone files and create files in its $ROOTDIR/var/named
#              directory, necessary for DDNS and slave zone transfers.
#              Slave zones should reside in the $ROOTDIR/var/named/slaves
#              directory, in which case you would not need to enable zone
#              writes. If SELinux is enabled, you must use only the
#              'named_write_master_zones' variable to enable zone writes.
# ENABLE_SDB=yes     -- This enables use of 'named_sdb', which has support
#            -- for the ldap, pgsql and dir zone database backends
#            -- compiled in, to be used instead of named.

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